Get to know Kiarisel

Hi! My name is Kiarisel. I am a mom of two and excited that you are here. I am a Professional Certified Professional Doula through Madriella Network, a Certified Babywearing Educator through Mammissi Birth Services, and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist through H.E.R.B.A.L.

I have always loved the pregnancy and birth world since a little girl. I grew watching A Baby Story on TLC and dreamed of helping mothers deliver their babies. So I truly am honored to support families at such an important season of life.

I have worked professionally as a sonographer at two of the major hospital systems locally since 2014 with a large focus on OB, High-risk OB, and NICU ultrasound. And after the birth of my first son in 2018, I felt called to pursue my birth work dreams. I believe both my professional and personal experiences allow me to be well rounded for my clients and provide empowering support.

I have also been babywearing and toddlerwearing since 2018. During that time I have had the honor of helping Naked Panda Designs at several Expos and their owner sponsored my babywearing certification education.

If you want to get to know me a little more personally, go read about my experiences down below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my services and what I do.

I am thrilled at the opportunity to be able to serve you.

My Expriences

I was originally born in Puerto Rico. My husband and I got married in 2014 and I have lived in Central Florida over 20 years. And yes I am still fluent in Spanish.

In 2018 we welcomed our first son Jeremiah. He was born at a birth center with the help of my midwives Rhonda and Shannon. Labor was a long 22 hours with no sleep from that night that labor began. Thankfully I had a great support team made up of my husband, mother, and best friend. And I definitely enjoyed being able to walk, eat, change positions, and soak in the tub during labor.

Having Jeremiah was also the beginning of my breastfeeding journey. I was committed to being successful long before he was born, and tried to be as educated and prepared as possible without having much exposure to breastfeeding mothers beforehand. Breastfeeding support group and meeting with a lactation consultant were major influences in my journey.

Jeremiah was able to breastfeed for 19 months when he weaned due to my milk changing from pregnancy. And I also was able to supply donor breast milk to a breast cancer survivor for her daughter for 9 months.

In 2020 the day the COVID lockdowns began we welcomed our second son Elias. His pregnancy came with a few concerns and we had several visits with high-risk. But everything turned out to be alright and he was born at home in the water, under the care of the same midwives from A Positive Beginnings Midwifery.

With his labor my water broke in the middle of the night and the contractions followed soon after. When the midwives arrived I believed I was still in the early stages based on comparing the surges to Jeremiah's labor. Well Elias was born after laboring for 4.5 hours.

Being at home for the labor and birth was a wonderful experience that I could not wait to have again. It was only natural to do it again in 2022 for us to welcome our first baby girl, Kianabel. But we didn’t know she had some crazy plans.

Kianabel decided her entry earthside was going to be a sprint and she was in my arms 1 hour after surges began. It was definitely an intense experience with its own unique rush, as no one else but my parents were able to make it in time. The midwives and my husband arrived 20 minutes after she had already been born.